Operational Management

Our clients trust us to manage the security of their daily operations and periodic vulnerabilities. In every project, we integrate the most advanced threat assessment, intelligence-gathering, planning skills, unique technologies and optimal deployment of human power. Each of our project managers has proven international experience in managing operations from the largest of scales down to the most personal needs.

Our security consultants will first analyze the project goals and will coordinate with the relevant parties. Depending on the mission – the challenge, the target, the scale, etc. – we will deliver a security plan expertly tailored to the needs at hand and the discretion of the client. When appropriate, we select the most suitable security professionals and equip them with the most relevant security measures.

Pivot provides constant operational management overseen by our team of supervisors. We allocate a mission commander for each task in order to verify that the mission is managed in accordance with the highest standards. Our consultants conduct ongoing audits throughout the duration of the mission and will revise procedures (as necessary) to ensure the highest level of service and security.

Implementation is handled by top professionals who have been vetted for the required project-specific experience, who understand how to handle extreme situations, and can execute every required task. The team leaders of each mission are former officers from notable security agencies and have led many similar projects around the world, for a wide variety of clients.

Pivot management will debrief after every operation in order to identify areas that need improvement. We will analyze each stage of the mission and will assess the measures for improvement that will keep our clients many steps ahead of potential challenges

Operational Management Case Study

  • Uav Security Operation

    Project Goal: To secure a UAV team during local government counter-terrorism operations
    Client: The Defense Industry Location: West Africa

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